

8:35-8:50: Morning work, calendar, and Morning Meeting

8:50-9:20: Second Step PLT-Reading (Daily 5/Guided Reading)

9:20-9:50: ELA: Ready Gen (reading workshop)

9:50-10:20: ELA: Ready Gen -small group

10:20-10:50: ELA: Ready Gen-Writing Workshop

10:50-11:20: Recess

11:20-11:50: Lunch

11:50-12:20: PLT-Math centers

12:20-12:50: Science/Social Studies

12:50-1:20: Specials

1:20-1:50: Specials

1:50-2:20: Snack/Handwriting

1:50-2:00: Math: Origo 2.0 Introduction

2:20-2:50: Math: Origo 2.0 finish lesson

2:50-3:05: Clean up, pack up, dismissal


We have snack later in the day from 1:50-2:20. Please send in a healthy snack: veggies, fruit, crackers, etc... No chips, candy, or peanuts please. I will not be able to provide snacks for students who forgot their snack or do not have one.

Also, the kids can bring in a water bottle. Please use an actual water bottle with a top. No twist offs. I find that they spill really easily. :-) 

Specials Schedule:


Monday- Music + LRC

Tuesday- Art

Wednesday- PE + LRC

Thursday- Music + PE 

- Also we have iLAb!! :-) 

Friday- No Special Day